Emergency & Safety Guide
Parents and Guardians Have a Key Role in Emergency Response
During and following an emergency situation, school and district officials must act quickly and follow established emergency protocols to safeguard students and staff, secure schools, and communicate accurate information in a timely manner. Parents can assist greatly by helping with preparation before the emergency.
Emergency Notification: In the unlikely event of an emergency, we would utilize our automated phone system to inform parents/guardians of incident.
Drills: As part of our security plan, we are required to hold several mock drills addressing a variety of possible emergency situations, including fire drills. Should you arrive on campus during one of these drills, please follow the directives of our staff members.
Visitor Policy: We welcome visitors on our campus. However, all visitors must check in at the main office prior to entering any part of our campus. All visitors must wear a visitor's badge while on campus and sign out prior to leaving.